We seem to be powerless against a President, elected with 3 million votes fewer than his opponent, who willfully persists in ignoring the national interest. No on so far is able to stop him from broadcasting the most egregious lies and misleading statements in his long daily press briefings which 100,000 people have petitioned networks not to carry because they carry MISinformation!
Some members of the Press try to stand up to him at these events. Bravo! However, if such “insubordination” crosses a line, the person’s Press Pass will be suspended. Furthermore, Trump’s people cut the mic for follow-ups, at will!
For days now, Trump has bombastically shouted that Doctors and Nurses are themselves stealing needed PPE; that Governors are inflating the numbers of ventilators they need. NO ONE has been able to stand directly in front of him and call him out in a sustained response!
This is MADDENING! It is preposterous! It is a parody of leadership! Such a “perfect storm”, a combination of the emergence of a deadly pandemic coupled with an American President whose interests run counter to the obvious need! If anything, all of this makes it clear that, in my opinion and intuition, at least, all of this has arisen due to, let us say, Greater, unseen forces. It is the cataclysmic time of radical transformation. All of this appears to be beyond anyone’s control, and no one alive can say where it is leading! Each of us harbors what internal personal resources and Good Will and courage we have, while at the same time trying to make some kind of peace with “Brother Death.”
And we steel ourselves for each new day, and try to do the best we can.
LOVE OTHERS, LOVE YOURSELF! We are hardy seeds of a New World! We will germinate and grow and FLOURISH at the appropriate time…whenever that is!